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Entrepreneurial Empowerment for artists, cultural and creative professionals

Project period: 01.04.2021 – 31.03.2023

Project number: 2020-1-EE01-KA227-ADU-093375

ArtCRelief addresses the challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to artists, cultural and creative professionals (ACCP’s). Covid-19 has made it more difficult for them to continue their current activities, especially if they do not have the skills and competences to use different business models.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the project is to develop the entrepreneurial and business mindset of ACCP’s through attractive training materials provided in the form of e-learning and a collaborative platform. Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, enhancing the role of innovation, orienting towards digital cultural offer and online presence, and promoting collaboration could help ACCP’s to survive the crisis and be ready for the new post-pandemic era.

TARGET GROUP: Adult artists, cultural and creative professionals (ACCP’s for short) and unemployed or self-employed people from EU countries who have suffered from severe unemployment/economic and financial crisis due to lack of both entrepreneurial and digital skills and are not able to respond effectively to the changes brought about by the pandemic.

Project partners: 2 Greek organization, 2 Italian organization, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Estonia (lead partner).


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.